Monday, May 29, 2006

The Day I Sell Myself

Hi to everyone :) I just want to say that I have received so much blessing from the Lord for the past weeks even at these very moments. Praise God for the joy, learnings, enjoyment and blessings He showed in ISCF camp. It was not only a great experience for me, but an encounter with God filled with His enabling, favor, strength and joy in serving Him. I praise you God for that.

Yes, this is my first day to sell myself, hehe. I'm now involved in marketing and selling in a publishing company. I know that you have some "negative" thoughts, probably, about the nature of my work, but I'm also exploring and testing the waters. There is always a room for improvement and higher learning. I just have to give it a try, and give my best. It's still a work nonetheless, hehe.

Please pray that I may be able to perform best in this career, and also that i may still manage to give my best in my GT involvement. It is still my priority. God bless you all:) Thank you:)

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