My short government stint has come into halt last January 2008. I resigned with peace and joy in my heart because this has been a result of prayer, a gentle wrestling with the Lord. Main factors involved my desire to give more time with the campus ministry and the master's program that I am learning to love. All other reasons are valid secondaries. Period :)
This time, I am enrolled in what I call exploratory, disciplinary program under the rubrics of spirituality, professionalism, and relationship building. Spirituality involves an integral, holistic approach in life where I expect myself to unify every diverse, fragmented “blueprint” awaiting its discovery and fulfillment. It will bring me to a certain divinity where I won't create any secularity over any mundane activity, but rather recognize that everything is divine when Jesus is in control. I will definitely anticipate a more intimate encounter with my Creator.
Under professionalism, no big deal actually, as I will just try to work part-time as a self-confessed, “desperate” writer and journalist. This will be an experimental stage to test the water, and decide if there is something else my heart longs for. Lately, I'm gaining interest in linguistics, particularly on the development of Pangasinan language, and in making documentaries on children and youth. Teaching in college by June excites me as well. Or perhaps, I could be all around, all at the same time, hahaha. Ambitious me! :) Financially and (theologically) speaking, I am “living by faith.”
What and how I live at present will be my legacy. I want to be remembered as someone who loves the Lord passionately, who blesses others in various ways, who makes people smile, who upholds justice, who is so concerned with youth and children's welfare, who gains satisfaction with the life I live. And when people remember me, only praise and worship to Jesus will be their sweet utterance. And these things will happen if as early as now I develop the edifying process of relationship building. What I will share are the things that I have. I cannot give something that I don't have; but “praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us (me) in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessings in Christ” (Eph. 1:3, NIV).
Will I be able to surpass all these challenging things? By God's grace, love, and providence, Yes! And my springboard at the moment, and for tomorrow's tomorrow, is the peace and joy I have with the Lord. Pray with and for me as well. †
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